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    Your Journey to a Happy Marriage Begins With Premarital Counseling Here in San Jose, CA

    Are you a newlywed? 

    Did you just get engaged? 

    Are you and your partner looking to take your relationship to the next level? 

    When you’re considering marriage, deciding on your honeymoon or figuring out where you want to live are among the first things you plan. Premarital counseling might be last on your list, if it’s there at all. But at Therapy By Choice, we believe that a strong, healthy marriage begins long before the wedding day. While it’s not an engagement topic that’s very fun or romantic, premarital counseling can set your marriage up to succeed and survive long-term. Our couples therapists in San Jose, California, are here to help. 

    What Can Premarital Counseling Do for You? 

    Premarital counseling can help you and your significant other improve your relationship by helping you develop better communication skills, learn conflict management, uncover your shared core values, and identify differences that could create future conflict. Working with a therapist, you can discover expectations with your partner that will help better prepare both of you for marriage. If any of these sound like you… 

    • You and your partner have arguments that don’t get resolved 
    • You feel like you’re always the one who has to compromise to keep the peace 
    • You’re concerned about how your partner’s financial situation will affect you as a married couple 
    • You’re worried about losing affection or having a diminished sex life after marriage 
    • You want to find healthier ways to resolve conflict 
    • You want to resolve religious or financial differences 
    • You want to define your marital roles and expectations 

    … then premarital counseling can be a great benefit to both you and your partner. We provide a safe and supportive environment where you and your partner can comfortably and openly discuss your expectations, fears, and dreams. 

    Why Is Premarital Counseling Important? 

    The intimate nature of marriage requires that you talk to your partner about everything, no matter how awkward or uncomfortable. In premarital counseling, we will likely bring up topics that you’ve discussed with your partner previously as well as subjects you hadn’t considered before. This fresh perspective from an objective third party will uncover new details from your partner. This is also an excellent time for us to find unexpected areas where you disagree and give you the tools to handle possible future conflict. Couples therapy will arm you with tools to de-escalate arguments and fight fairly so that you don’t cause emotional pain from things you said and will never be able to take back. 

    Experienced Couples Therapists Serving San Jose 

    Our team at Therapy By Choice brings a wealth of experience and specialized training to our premarital counseling services. Whether you are preparing for your first marriage or entering a new marriage after a previous relationship, our therapists are equipped to address your unique needs. To accommodate any schedule, we offer premarital counseling sessions every day of the week, from as early as 8 am to as late as 9 pm. Our goal is to provide you with the flexibility and convenience you need to prioritize your relationship. 

    Reach Out Today to Learn More 

    Getting married is one of life’s most treasured experiences. Premarital counseling can help you and your partner turn that momentous occasion into a loving, lasting relationship. Contact Therapy By Choice today so we can schedule an appointment at our office in San Jose. We look forward to hearing from you!